Matt’s Off Road Recovery Wikitubia Fandom

Matt and Ed originally met when Matt bought his shop in 2009. Ed was living on the site at the time, and they soon became good buddies. For a long time, Ed has lived in a trailer outside the building.

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After leaving the channel, he has participated in several events with the MORR team, including Easter Jeep Safari in Moab, the 2023 Off Road Wrecker Games, and King of the Hammers. The Heavy Wrecker is a custom-built off road recovery rig with the cab from a 1956 International Harvester R220 fire truck. A playlist on Matt’s Off Road Recovery contains all the build videos for the Heavy Wrecker since the beginning. Matt built it to replace his Jeep-and-trailer setup for recovering side-by-sides in the sand dunes, as well as for more heavy-duty pulls. Around October of 2022, Skeeter moved on to a job in the Texas oilfields. He has also made appearances on other fabrication and heavy equipment channels such as Robby Layton, Hunter Goodrich, and HeavyDSparks.

Matt’s Off-Road Recovery Rope

Both the car show donations and the pre-order car show patch proceeds will go directly to the charitable park project. To donate through the Hurricane Rotary Club, visit their website. Tom’s shop skills are impeccable, and due to his interest in fabrication, he started his own channel called Tom Tom’s Shop to work on his own builds. Before moving to Utah to work for Matt, Tom lived in Idaho and would only see Matt occasionally.

Other Crew Members

mike's off road recovery

Ed is a friend of Matt and a star on Matt’s Off Road Recovery. Ed is currently 85 years old, and his hobbies range from skydiving to prospecting for gold on his claim in California. Katelynn is an employee and star of Matt’s Off Road Recovery. Matt met Katelynn and her dad through the rock bouncing competitions that they participate in.

  • He was also well known for his muscle, and ability to pick up the front of a side-by-side by himself.
  • Byron is one of those weird car people who has never owned an automatic transmission.
  • His primary project as of now is the Rudicon, a brown Jeep XJ from the same generation as his dad’s Banana.
  • The Morrvair is a 1961 Chevrolet Corvair Lakewood 700 wagon.

Watch the Off-Road Rescue of a Rental Hyundai Tucson Stuck on a Utah Jeep Trail

The Banana is a 2001 Jeep Cherokee XJ which Matt owns and drives for Matt’s Off Road Recovery. Matt has been driving the Banana since before he even thought about YouTube. He bought it used so he could recover stuck vehicles with it. The Banana has been through countless upgrades, including a full overhaul, which is shown in detail in Matt’s playlist for “Banana Build.”

After upgrading the suspension and tires, Tucker took his 4-Runner on trail rides with Matt and his friends. Eventually, Matt hired more editors to help Tucker, and gave Tucker oversight in the editing department. Tucker is a former employee and member of the Matt’s Off Sober Houses Rules That You Should Follow Recovery crew.

  • The Bombi is custom-built, based on the drivetrain of a Bombardier snowcat, hence the nickname.
  • He was hired as the channel’s first dedicated video editor in 2021 to take some of the load off of Jefe and the rest of the crew.
  • In addition, Jefe is Matt’s second-in-command and a member of the B-team along with Matt’s son Rhett.
  • Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen.
  • Born in the DMV but Midwestern at heart, he lives outside of Detroit with his wife, two cats, a Miata, a Wrangler, and a Blackwing.

News at Noon

Until April of 2022, Rudy was an employee and star of Matt’s Off Road Recovery, where he assisted with recoveries, operated tow trucks, helped build recovery vehicles, and MORR. He is currently in a relationship with his girlfriend, Janelle. Prior to starting his recovery business, Matt worked in the roofing industry for 12 years – 10 as an employee and 2 with a company he co-founded called Skyline Roofing. In 2009, Matt bought his current shop along with the assets of a towing company, and founded Red Ryder Towing. In 2013, Matt purchased Winder Towing, the name under which he still operates. He worked in conventional towing for 10 years before starting his YouTube channel.

This Rivian Has Apparently Been Stuck for Months, But Tow Trucks Won’t Touch It

Skeeter’s first mention on the channel was that he was the owner of the ex-military 5 ton that Matt and his team tested at Sand Hollow. Once Matt dismissed the idea of modifying a 5 ton for his off road wrecker, Skeeter helped source the MRAP axles for the heavy wrecker build. He pitched in to help with fabrication and welding, as well as recovery work. Used in all of Matt’s toughest off-road recoveries, this powerful rope is suitable for jobs of all shapes and sizes. With over 30 years of vehicle rescue experience, this product was developed by Matt and Yankum ropes with user’s safety and the rope’s reliability in mind. This powerful rope is suitable for jobs of all shapes and sizes.

Tom is a nuclear engineer, expert welder, and well-rounded fabricator. Randy is the 7th of 8 children, born and raised in Southern Utah. He’s a very friendly and happy person, and loves to visit with people.

mike's off road recovery

With over 30 years of vehicle rescue experience, this product was developed by Matt and Yankum Ropes™ with user’s safety and the rope’s reliability in mind. The goal is to have the park completed and open by spring 2023. The all-abilities park will be at Dixie Springs Park in Hurricane, an existing park that has plenty of space to add the all-abilities equipment. ST. GEORGE —An off-road recovery company famous for its YouTube channel utilized both its merchandise and fans to contribute over $100,000 toward the installation of a new all-abilities park in Hurricane.

He has had a hand in building all three of Matt’s primary recovery rigs – the Banana, Morrvair, and Heavy Wrecker – as well as the Golden Nugget. Tom worked with Matt in setting up his YouTube channel, and he also helped Matt recover the Golden Nugget off Ed’s gold claim in California. Around October of 2022, Trevor got a new job closer to his home, climbing communications towers. Since then, he has reappeared on Matt’s channel for Ed’s birthday, and also helped Matt’s son Rudy on his channel, Rudy’s Adventure and Design.

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